BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Petition for ) Docket No. UT-970325 Investigation into the Cost of ) Universal Service and to Reform ) Comments of TRACER Intrastate Carrier Access Charges ) ________________________________________) On March 13, 1998, the Commission solicited additional comments on the Staff's revised access charge reform proposal. In response to that solicitation, TRACER respectfully submits the following brief comments. In its comments submitted on February 13, 1998 in this docket, TRACER addressed many of the issues raised by the Staff's revised proposal. Accordingly, TRACER incorporates those comments, with the following additions. First, whether the proposal in paragraph (1) that terminating access charges be set at total service long-run incremental cost (TSLRIC) is appropriate depends on whether the costs of the local loop are covered by a separate charge for network access or in the rates charged for other services using the loop, such as local exchange service and features. TSLRIC, by definition, includes only service-specific costs. No shared costs, or contributions to joint and common costs are included. Because the local loop is a shared cost of local service, switched access (long distance) service, and features, as recognized by the Commission in its Fifteenth Supplemental Order in Docket No. UT-950200, its cost is not included in the TSLRIC of any of these services. Nevertheless, the revenues from these services in total must cover not only the service-specific costs of the services but also the group-related, shared cost of the local loop. How much of the shared loop cost each specific service in the group must cover is a matter for the Commission's discretion. It follows, then, that, if the cost of the loop is not covered by the rates charged for the other services in the group, switched access rates must be set to cover the TSLRIC of switched access, plus make a sufficient contribution to covering the cost of the local loop to make up any remaining shortfall. This contribution should be included in the rates for both terminating and originating access. In addition, it is appropriate that switched access, like all other services, make a reasonable contribution to other joint and common costs of the firm. Rates for both originating and terminating access should include this contribution. Second, to the extent the proposal in paragraph (3) presumes that any restructuring should guarantee revenue neutrality, it is inappropriate. Any request by a LEC to increase originating access charges or other rates should depend on a demonstration that these increases are required to cover the particular company's revenue requirements. If, after the access charge restructuring ordered, the company will still be overearning, no offsetting rate increases will be warranted. Respectfully submitted this 8th day of April, 1998. ATER WYNNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRITT, LLP By: Arthur A. Butler WSBA #04678 Attorneys for TRACER