BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ) Petition for Investigation into ) DOCKET NO. UT-970325 the Cost of Universal Service and ) to Reform Intrastate Carrier ) COMMENTS OF Access Charges ) RAINIER CABLE, INC. ON ) COMMISSION STAFF ) REVISED PROPOSAL ________________________________) These Comments are filed on behalf of Rainier Cable, Inc. (RCI). These Comments are intended to address the revised proposal advanced by Commission Staff in the Notice of March 18, 1998. RCI is a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) that is providing facilities-based competition to US WEST Communications, Inc. (US WEST) in rural portions of Pierce County. RCI believes that the proposal advanced by Commission Staff is absolutely the wrong direction for access reform. As a CLEC investing millions of dollars to build plant to provide service on a facilities-based competitive venture, RCI believes that it should be able to recover its investment through prices charged for a variety of services, including access services. Under Staff’s proposal, costs for access would be driven to total service long-run incremental cost. Such a move would prevent RCI from recovering a reasonable portion of its investment from access charges and make it much more difficult to continue to provide facilities-based competition. RCI is in the position where it is trying to compete with US WEST in a rural area. Yet the rates for competitive purposes are US WEST’s average residential and business rates which do not reflect the true cost of providing service in a rural area. RCI believes that to benefit competition in both urban and rural areas, US WEST should be allowed to price residential and business services differently in rural areas than in urban areas. The Commission should not artificially constrain US WEST’s pricing structure to statewide average local service rates. If this disadvantage in making a return on investment in facilities is compounded by driving down the ability to recover a reasonable portion of that investment from access service, the situation becomes virtually impossible. RCI had ambitious plans to provide facilities-based competition to US WEST. This Commission has already been moving in a direction that removes the incentives to provide facilities-based competition. The Commission’s decisions in the interconnection area appear to favor resale over facilities-based competition. When the Commission’s orders in the US WEST and GTE Northwest Incorporated interconnection cases came out in 1996, RCI felt it had no choice but to stop plans for further expansion. RCI decided that the construction of facilities would stop prior to completing its fully engineered design. RCI had planned to engineer and construct additional facilities, but the interconnection orders from this Commission caused RCI to pause because of the poor incentives for facilities-based competition. RCI must now consider a much narrower focus for facilities placement. Adopting Commission Staff’s revised proposal will make it even worse. It is further disincentive from providing facilities-based competition, particularly in rural areas. RCI urges the Commission not to adopt Staff’s proposal. DATED this _____ day of April, 1998. ___________________________________ RICHARD A. FINNIGAN, WSBA #6443 Attorney for Rainier Cable, Inc.