Coverage and Performance Report Data FCC Form 477 EVDO Mobile Data Deployment Inland Cellular Inc. As of 12-31-2021 Markets: WA5B2, WA8, SID1, NID2 (EVDO Coverage and Performance) prediction methodology Prediction Tool: Wizard by Optimi (Ericsson) Model: Lee-Rural Frequency: Cellular B Band 835-845 & 846.5-849/880-890 & 891.5-894 MHz 1 Mile Intercept: -44.00 dBm Slope: -37.20 dB/decade Terrain Dems Resolution: 100 meters RF Environment: Open Area (farm land & barren land), with little to no clutter & occasional foothills/mountains Propagation Study: EVDO Forward Link Data at > or = -105 dBm Mobile Coverage DL 200KB/S and UL 50KB/S. Metadata General Storage type of this layer ESRI Shapefile Description of this provider OGR data provider (compiled against GDAL/OGR library version 1.11.0, running against GDAL/OGR library version 1.11.0) Source for this layer X:/Cell-Projs/Inland/Inland_FCC/FCC477 ALL/FCC477 as of 12312021/Shapes/TECH_85_CMDA/FCC477_Inland_Tech_85_EVDO_Mobile_DATA_Coverage_12312021.shp Geometry type of the features in this layer Polygon The number of features in this layer 1 Editing capabilities of this layer Add Features, Delete Features, Change Attribute Values, Add Attributes, Delete Attributes, Create Spatial Index, Fast Access to Features at ID, Change Geometries, Simplify Geometries, Simplify Geometries with topological validation Extents In layer spatial reference system units xMin,yMin -120.034,45.3566 : xMax,yMax -115.225,48.1254 Layer Spatial Reference System +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs