Docket UT-961514 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of ) U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC., for an ) DOCKET UT-961514 Order Granting Authority to Enter ) into Services Agreements and Asset ) ORDER GRANTING Transfers with ) APPLICATION U S WEST LONG DISTANCE, INC., ) an Affiliated Interest. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) On November 27, 1996, U S WEST Communications, Inc. (USWC), filed an application with the Commission under the provisions of Chapter 80.16 RCW for an order authorizing it to enter into a Services Agreement and a Master Services Agreement with U S WEST Long Distance, Inc. (USWLD). The application was supplemented on August 1,1997, to request approval of an Agree-ment For The Provision of Billing and Collection Services For Interexchange Carriers Between USWLD and USWC. On December 12, 1997, the application was supplemented to request approval of an asset transfer from USWC to USWLD. Additional amendments were filed on December 22, 1997. U S WEST, Inc., owns 100% of U S WEST Communications Group, Inc., which in turn owns 100% of USWC and USWLD. There-fore USWC and USWLD are affiliated interests pursuant to RCW 80.16.010. USWC requests approval for USWLD to provide management and procurement of interLATA toll services for USWC's Official Company Business (OCS) under the Services Agreement in the form filed as Exhibit A, as subsequently amended, of the application. Such services include Private Line Data (DSO, DS1, DS3), 800 Basic and Complex, CallNet 1+, CallNet Corporate Calling Card and Client Counseling. USWLD also acts as an agent of USWC and other U S WEST companies for the payment of interLATA toll charges to outside third parties. The OCS activities of USWC have been combined with those of other U S WEST companies in an effort to centrally manage those activities and gain greater volume dis-counts through aggregated call volumes. USWLD charges USWC the fully distributed costs for the management and procurement services. The toll charges from interexchange carriers are being charged to USWC at the costs at which the services are procured. USWLD plans to offer long distance services to customers inside and outside of USWC's 14 state territory. These services, which are under development and are kept separate from the OCS operations described above, will not be offered until all required governmental requirements have been satisfied. The cost for development of these customer services are not billed to USWC. The Master Services Agreement, in the form filed as Exhibit B, as subsequently amended, of the application, allows USWC to provide basic business services to USWLD. USWLD is billed fully distributed costs or prevailing company prices. The revenues booked at USWC in 1996 for the services provided to USWLD were $1,259,611 or $113,778 on a Washington intrastate basis. The Agreement For the Provision of Billing and Collection Services for Interchange Carriers Between USWLD and USWC (Attachment B) covers the standard arrangements between USWC and all interexchange carriers and the billing and collections transactions associated with the calling card. This agreement is only applicable to interstate services, all intrastate billing and collection services are provided in accordance with the USWC Intrastate Access Tariffs. The standard billing and collections features covering interexchange services will not be exercised until USWLD achieves 271 and 272 status. USWC has established prevailing company prices for many of the billing and collection services. These established prices are consistent between the access tariff, the proposed contract, and other interexchange carriers’ contracts and the proposed USWLD contract. The prices are the prevailing company prices that all carriers would be charged for each of the service components, if the rating options requested by the carriers were the same. The asset transfer from USWC to USWLD involves computer assets that were used by employees located in Colorado who were transferred to USWLD. USWC journal entries record the transfer at the net book value of $62,222, which was higher than the market value of $35,618. The Commission neither approves nor disapproves the reasonableness of the fees, charges, or accounting allocations involved with the proposed arrangements and reserves the right of the Commission to determine the reasonableness of those fees, charges, and allocations in any future proceeding dealing with USWC’s results of operations for ratemaking purposes. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 1. U S WEST Communications, Inc., a Colorado corp-oration, is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission under the provisions of chapters 80.12 and 80.16 RCW. 2. U S WEST Long Distance, Inc., is an affiliated interest of U S WEST Communications, Inc., as defined in RCW 80.16.010. 3. As to form, the applications filed herein meet the requirements of chapters 80.12 and 80.16 RCW and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. 4. It appears, upon investigation, that the proposed arrangements and transfers between U S WEST Communications, Inc., and U S WEST Long Distance, Inc., are reasonable and consistent with the public interest and should, therefore, be approved. O R D E R THE COMMISSION ORDERS: 1. Subject to the conditions of this order, U S WEST Communications, Inc., is hereby authorized to enter into a Services Agreement, a Master Services Agreement and an Agreement For the Provision of Billing and Collection Services For Inter-exchange Carriers with U S WEST Long Distance, Inc., in the form filed in Exhibits A and B, as amended, and Attachment B, respectively, of the application. 2. Subject to the conditions of this order, U S WEST Communications, Inc., is hereby authorized to transfer computer assets, described in the application herein to U S WEST Long Distance, Inc. 3. U S WEST Communications, Inc., shall file with the Commission details of the arrangements approved herein, as required by WAC 480-146-091, Reporting of Affiliated Interest Transactions. 4. The reasonableness of the fees, charges or accounting allocations involved in carrying out the provisions of ordering paragraphs no. 1 and 2 of this order are neither approved nor disapproved in this proceeding. 5. Jurisdiction of these proceedings is hereby retained by the Commission for the purpose of entering such further orders or of taking any other action it may deem necessary and proper in respect to the subjects under con-sideration in these proceedings. 6. This order shall in no way affect the authority of this Commission over rates, service, accounts, valuations, estimates or determination of costs, or any matters whatsoever that may come before it, nor shall anything herein be construed as an acquiescence in any estimate or determination of costs, or any valuation of property claimed or asserted. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 13th day of May, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION PAUL CURL, Acting Secretary