COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) Docket No. UT-970766 ) Complainant, ) Volume 9 ) Pages 404 - 460 vs. ) ) U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC., ) ) Respondent. ) -------------------------------) A pre-hearing conference in the above matter was held on December 2, 1997 at 11:45 a.m. at 1300 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington, before Administrative Law Judges TERRENCE STAPLETON and C. ROBERT WALLIS. The parties were present as follows: U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. by LISA ANDERL, Senior Attorney, 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206, Seattle, Washington 98191 (via bridge). FOR THE PUBLIC, ROBERT F. MANIFOLD Assistant Attorney General, 900 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2000, Seattle, Washington 98164. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STAFF, by GREGORY TRAUTMAN, Assistant Attorney General, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington 98054. AT&T, by MARIA ARIAS-CHAPLEAU, Attorney at Law, 1875 Lawrence Street, Suite 1575, Denver, Colorado 80202 (via bridge). Cheryl Macdonald, CSR Court Reporter APPEARANCES (Cont'd.) MCI, by ROGELIO PENA, Senior Attorney, 707 17th Street, Suite 3600, Denver, Colorado 80202 (via bridge). SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY L.P., by RICHARD GOLDBERG, Attorney at Law, 1850 Gateway Drive, Seventh Floor, San Mateo, California 94404 (via bridge). TRACER, by ARTHUR BUTLER, Attorney at Law, 5450 Two Union Square, 601 Union Street, Seattle, Washington 98101 (via bridge). P R O C E E D I N G S JUDGE WALLIS: Let us be on the record, please. This is a pre-hearing conference in the matter of WUTC vs. U S WEST Communications Inc. docket No. 970766. This is December 2, 1997, and we are in the offices of the Utilities and Transportation Commission in Olympia pursuant to due and proper notice to all interested persons. Our purpose for this pre-hearing conference is to address specific matters that were identified in the notice and also matters as to which all of the participants are present in the hearing room. Let's begin by taking appearances. I would state for the record that my name is Bob Wallis, and I am one of the presiding law judges in this proceeding. The other presiding judge, His Honor Judge Stapleton, is present in the room and with that let's begin with the company asking for appearances. MS. ANDERL: This is Lisa Anderl representing U S WEST Communications, Inc. MS. ARIAS-CHAPLEAU: Maria Arias-Chapleau on behalf of AT&T Communications. MR. PENA: Rogelio Pena on behalf of MCI. MR. GOLDBERG: Richard Goldberg on behalf of Sprint. MR. BUTLER: Arthur A. Butler on behalf of TRACER. MR. TRAUTMAN: Greg Trautman on behalf of Commission staff. MR. MANIFOLD: Rob Manifold on behalf of the people of the state. MS. ANDERL: Your Honor, I had a ve