November 25, 1998 Via Federal Express Carole J. Washburn Secretary Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission 1300 Evergreen Park Drive S.W. Olympia WA 98504-7250 Re: Rules Relating to Securities, Liens, Affiliated Interests, Refunding of Notes, and Lease of Utility Facilities Docket No. A-980085 Dear Ms. Washburn: Enclosed please find an original and eleven copies of the comments of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (“ICNU”) in response to the Notice of Opportunity to Submit Written Comments on Proposed Rule issued by the Commission in the above-captioned docket on November 9, 1998. Please return one file-stamped copy of the comments in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided. ICNU is an incorporated, non-profit association of large industrial electric customers in the Pacific Northwest, with offices in Portland, Oregon. A list of the forty-two ICNU members is included as Attachment A. ICNU’s specific comments are as follows: WAC 480-146-010 – Filing ICNU believes that the proposed rule should be revised to allow for filing by facsimile or electronic mail. WAC 480-146-091 – Reporting of Affiliated Interest Transactions ICNU believes that the definition of “Affiliated Interest Transactions” should be expanded to include transactions between a utility and a third party with whom the utility has a marketing or other strategic alliance. WAC 480-146-095 – Form of Lease Application ICNU believes that the form of lease application should include a statement explaining why the proposed lease is in the public interest. ICNU appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Commission’s proposed rule revisions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, Melinda J. Horgan