BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) DOCKET NO. ) UE-971422 ) Complainant, ) ) v. ) FIRST ) SUPPLEMENTAL ) ORDER THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER ) COMPANY, ) PREHEARING ) CONFERNECE Respondent. ) ORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) PREHEARING CONFERENCE: A prehearing conference was held in Olympia, Washington, on Tuesday, November 18, 1997. The prehearing conference was held before Administrative Law Judges Marjorie R. Schaer and Dennis J. Moss. PARTIES: The Washington Water Power Company (WWP or Company) was represented by David Meyer, attorney, Spokane. The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission Staff) was represented by Robert D. Cedarbaum, Assistant Attorney General, Olympia. Melinda J. Horgan, attorney, Portland, represented the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU). Simon J. ffitch, Assistant Attorney General, Seattle, did not appear at the hearing, but informed the Commission by letter filed November 25, 1997, that Public Counsel intends to appear and participate in this proceeding. INTERVENTIONS: The petition for leave to intervene of the ICNU is granted, without objection. Ms. Horgan provided a list of ICNU members receiving service from WWP. COPIES OF PREFILED EVIDENCE: An original plus 15 copies of all prefiled materials shall be filed. At the request of the Commission or any party, prefiled testimony must be provided upon computer diskette in a WordPerfect 5.1, 6.0, or 6.1, IBM-compatible format. The parties are reminded that all testimony, exhibits, and pleadings filed with the Commission must be three-hole punched. SCHEDULE: The parties agreed to a two-stage schedule for the remainder of this proceeding. In the first stage, the parties will brief an issue regarding proper interpretation of RCW 80.28.075. If that issue is decided favorably to the company, then the case will proceed with the remainder of the schedule set out below: Simultaneous briefs on the applicability of RCW 80.28.075 December 3, 1997 Simultaneous reply briefs on the applicability of RCW 80.28.075 December 12, 1997 Company files direct case December 22, 1997 Commission Staff, Public Counsel and intervenors file direct cases January 29, 1998 Company files rebuttal case February 11, 1998 Hearings February 26-27, 1998 Simultaneous briefs March 10, 1998 DISCOVERY: The Commission's discovery rule is invoked. Accordingly, the methods for obtaining data in adjudicative proceedings provided in WAC 480-09-480 are available in this proceeding. The rule will be followed with the exception that the time for responses to data requests will be shortened from 14 calendar days to 7 calendar days, and parties are encouraged even with that shortened time to expedite responses even more, if they are able to do so, and to work cooperatively together to try to keep information flowing and keep this process working as well as it may. The parties are reminded that data requests and responses thereto should not be addressed, copied to, or routed through the presiding officer, the Secretary of the Commission, or the Commissioners. The parties should send responses to Commission Staff data requests directly to Mr. Cedarbaum. All other case-related correspondence, including responses to bench requests, must be sent through the Secretary, using the Commission's post office box address (not the street address). The parties should not send correspondence directly to the Administrative Law Judges. PROTECTIVE ORDER: WWP seeks a protective order and the Commission will enter a protective order in the standard form. The order will be patterned after the one in the Electric Lightwave case, Docket No. UT-901029, as the Second Supplemental Order. NOTICE TO PARTIES: Any objection to the provisions of this order must be filed within ten days after the date of mailing of this statement, pursuant to WAC 480-09-460(2). In the absence of such objections, this prehearing conference order shall control further proceedings in this matter, subject to Commission review. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 3rd day of December 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARJORIE R. SCHAER Administrative Law Judge