BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Tariff Filing of HORLUCK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, INC. DOCKET NO. TS-001064 ORDER DISMISSING COMPLAINT AND ORDER OF SUSPENSION, REQUIRING MONTHLY REPORTS, AND IMPOSING REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO FUTURE TARIFF FILINGS On July 10, 2000, Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., filed tariff revisions in which it proposes increasing rates for foot ferry service. The Commission, August 9, 2000, entered a Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision pending an investigation concerning the changes and the reasonableness and justness thereof. Since the Complaint and Order was issued, the Staff of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Staff) and Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., have agreed to terms by which the tariff filing of Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., in this docket, will become effective on September 14, 2000. The agreement is attached to this order, and its terms are hereby incorporated into this Order. It is therefore appropriate to lift the suspension of the tariff filing. FINDINGS 1. Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., is a common carrier and as such is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. 2. The revision presently under suspension herein is not considered to be unreasonable. 3. It is not contrary to public interest that the Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision in this docket be dismissed and that the revision to the respondent's tariff, become effective September 14, 2000, with conditions and requirements imposed on the company as follows: a. Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., shall provide service, as set forth in its Time Schedule 29, until changed in compliance with WAC 480-51-090. b. Staff will reconsider the authorization of fares if Horluck Transportation Company, Inc.,at any time changes its service schedule. c. Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., must operate substantially in accordance with its published time schedule. Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., management must take whatever steps appropriate, including making arrangements to lease or rent appropriate boats or provide bus transportation through Kitsap Transit to continue service, in the event there is a need to provide for alternative service. Each event that results in a missed scheduled run or delay beyond fifteen (15) minutes will be deemed a separate violation of this Order, except for good cause shown. In the event Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., leases or rents vessels necessary to continue scheduled service, Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., shall in all instances be in compliance with WAC 480-51-070 (Insurance); WAC 480-51- 075(4) (Safety, vessel inspections); and WAC 480-51-090(4) (Schedules to be posted on each vessel). d. Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., shall report in writing to the Commission within one business day of any service interruption. The report must include a full statement of the cause for the interruption, the probable duration of the interruption, and what the company is doing to reinstate service. In addition, Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., shall post a Notice of Service Interruption at each termini within one hour of any service interruption expected to last more than one hour. The Notice must include cause of interruption, and probable duration of the interruption. e. Within 30 days of the end of each month, up to and including December 31, 2000, Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., will file with the Commission monthly: i. Statement of Revenues and Expenses, ii. Schedule of Passengers broken down by source. i.e. Kitsap Transit or Horluck Transportation; and Termini, i.e. Port Orchard, Annapolis, Bremerton; passengers left on dock because of capacity limits. iii. Any required notifications provided to the Coast Guard. iv. Run completion schedule with explanation of cause of any missed runs or delayed runs beyond fifteen (15) minutes. 6. Any future fare change filings by Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., must include at a minimum: a. Cover letter - each filing must include a cover letter. i. For fare change filings, the letter must describe each service that is impacted and the dollar and percentage change for each service as well as the net impact of all changes on the company's total regulated revenue; ii. For filings that address changes to the time schedule portion of the tariff, the letter must describe the general effect, and reasons for the changes; b. The proposed tariff with explanatory markings. c. Supporting work papers for the test period. The supporting work papers must include: i. A calculation of the revenue impact of proposed rates by each class affected ; ii. Balance sheet and statement of revenues and expenses showing total and separated operations; iii. Depreciation schedule for total and separated operations; iv. If adjustments are proposed, the company must file: A) A schedule showing adjustments to the statement of revenues and expenses, including any restating adjustments and/or proforma adjustments including effect of proposed rates; B) Work papers showing the supporting calculations and explaining both restating and proforma adjustments; v. Passenger statistics verifying test year revenues and proposed revenues; vi. Schedule showing separation of revenues and expenses between regulated and nonregulated operations. vii. Wage and Salaries detail separated by regulated and nonregulated operations. d. A copy of the notice provided to passengers of the proposed changes. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revision in this docket, dated August 9, 2000, be dismissed, and that the tariff revision filed July 10, 2000, shall become effective September 14, 2000. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this13th day of September, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner