Agenda Date: November 15. 1999 Item Number: Docket: UT-991476 Company Name: Telecommunications General Petition to Adopt Rule -- Early Termination of Customer Contracts Staff: Glenn Blackmon, Assistant Director-Telecommunications Recommendation: Deny the petition filed by Advanced Telecommunications Group, Inc., et al., to establish rules for the early termination of certain customer contracts with incumbent local exchange carriers and direct the Secretary to send a letter to the petitioners stating the reasons for denial and the alternative means by which the issues could be addressed. Discussion: On September 28, 1999, a group of competitive local exchange companies The petitioners are Advanced Telecommunications, Inc., McLeodUSA, Incorporated, and the Western States Competitive Telecommunications Coalition, representing Advanced TelCom Group, Inc., Allegiance Telecom of Washington, Inc., Electric Lightwave, Inc., GST Telecom Washington, Inc., and NEXTLINK Washington, Inc. asked the WUTC to adopt a new rule that would in some circumstances allow customers of incumbent local exchange companies to terminate their term contracts without paying any cancellation fees that would otherwise be provided for in the contract or tariff. The petitioners argue that releasing customers from term contracts would promote competition by allowing them to take a "fresh look" at alternative service providers. They also argue that the existing contracts perpetuate incumbent monopoly power and unfairly penalize customers who entered into the contracts with no bargaining power. Two industry trade associations, the Telecommunications Resellers Association and the Competitive Telecommunications Association, have submitted comments in favor of the petition. GTE submitted comments in opposition. The state's Administrative Procedure Act requires that the WUTC act on a petition to adopt a rule within 60 days, or by November 27, 1999 in this case. RCW 34.05.330 requires that the agency (a) deny the petition in writing, stating (i) its reasons for the denial, specifically addressing the concerns raised by the petitioner, and, where appropriate, (ii) the alternative means by which it will address the concerns raised by the petitioner, or (b) initiate rulemaking proceedings in accordance with RCW 34.05.320. Docket UT-991476 November 15, 1999 Page 2 Staff has reviewed the petition and comments and believes that the WUTC should not propose to adopt a rule on this subject at this time. The petition states no specific examples of customers or competitors who have been harmed by the existence of term contracts and the associated cancellation penalties. The use of such contracts is common practice within the industry by both competitive and non-competitive telecommunications companies. The specific cancellation provisions have been submitted for review by the WUTC. If specific contract or tariff provisions have been used in discriminatory or anti-competitive ways, Staff believes that the appropriate way to bring that problem to the WUTC would be for the customer or competitor to file a complaint. That process would allow the WUTC to examine the facts specific to that situation. If the WUTC were to address this issue through a rule, Staff believes the appropriate proceeding would be Docket UT-991301, in which the WUTC is reviewing the agency's tariff and contract rules. However, at this point Staff continues to believe that no such rule is necessary. Conclusion: The Staff recommends the Commission direct the Secretary to send a letter denying the petition to the petitioners stating the WUTC’s reasons for denial and stating the alternative means by which the issues could be addressed.