BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Requested ) Waiver of Statutory Notice in ) DOCKET UT-990107 Connection with the Tariff ) Revisions Filed by ) ORDER GRANTING McDaniel Telephone Co., d/b/a ) LESS THAN STATUTORY TDS Telecom ) NOTICE (LSN), WITH CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) On March 8, 1999, McDaniel Telephone Co., d/b/a TDS Telecom filed with the Commission, a revision to its Tariff WN U-4. The purpose of this filing is to revise Schedule 15, Second Revised Sheet 161 to update the Lifeline credits to coincide with the increased residential basic service rates that were suspended, but allowed to go into effect subject to refund or credit, by Commission order on February 26, 1999 in the Company's Expanded Local Exchange filing, Docket UT-990107. DISCUSSION The tariff sheets bear an inserted effective date of April 8, 1999. This date recognizes the required statutory notice period. The company requests, however, that statutory notice be waived and that the revisions be allowed to become effective on March 25, 1999. The reason for requesting Less Than Statutory Notice for this filing is to update the Lifeline credits to ensure Lifeline customers will not be billed an amount greater than the $7.50 benchmark amount while the company is collecting the increased rates subject to refund or credit. Because this filing is so closely related to the residential basic rate with which it is paired, the Commission considers it in the same docket as the residential rate. Doing so will help to assure that the conditional rate will be revised when needed and that the lifeline rate will remain appropriately matched with the authorized local residential service rate. The Lifeline credit tariff revision filed herein appears to be fair, just and reasonable, when applied to the increased rates being collected subject to refund or credit in this docket. They are stated as specific dollar amounts, however, and should not be allowed to remain effective longer than the interim rates with which they are paired. The Commission's approval of the rates is conditional, therefore, upon the continuing effect of the interim rate. If the interim rate is revised, the Company must file a replacement lifeline credit tariff sheet for permanent effect that is paired with whatever residential rate level that the Commission ultimately approves. Waiver of statutory notice is not inconsistent with the public interest, and the Commission finds it appropriate to grant the company the waiver it is requesting with an effective date of March 25, 1999. FINDINGS After careful examination of the tariff revisions filed herein by McDaniel Telephone Co., d/b/a TDS Telecom on March 8, 1999, and giving consideration to all relevant matters and for good cause shown, the Commission finds that it is fair, just, reasonable and consistent with the public interest that the tariff revisions become effective March 25, 1999, conditioned upon their revision coincident with any required revisions of the interim residential rate approved in this docket on February 26, 1999. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the requested waiver of statutory notice in connection with the tariff revisions filed herein by McDaniel Telephone Co., d/b/a TDS Telecom on March 8, 1999, is hereby granted, and the tariff revisions shall become effective March 25, 1999, conditioned upon their revision coincident with any required revisions of the interim residential rate approved in this docket on February 26, 1999. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 24th day of March, 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary