Agenda Date: October 22, 1997 Item Number: 4A Docket: A-970591 Company Names: Administrative - General Amendment of the Commission's procedural and organizational rules in Chapters 480-04 WAC (Public Access to Information and Records), and 480-11 WAC (SEPA); repeal of Chapter 480-35 WAC (Limousine charter party carriers); Chapter 480-69 WAC (Railroad companies - Track scales) and Chapter 480-150 WAC (Compliance with Economic Stabilization Act of 1970) Staff: Bob Wallis, Review Judge Jeffrey Showman, Policy Analyst Joe Hamill, Administrative Intern Recommendation: File notices of proposed rulemaking (CR-102) in (1) Docket A-970591 to amend the Commission’s procedural and organizational rules in Chapters 480-04 WAC (Public Access to Information and Records and 480-11 WAC (SEPA) and (2) to repeal Chapter 480-35 WAC (Limousine charter party carriers); Chapter 480-69 WAC (Railroad companies - Track scales) and Chapter 480-150 WAC (Compliance with Economic Stabilization Act of 1970) Discussion: The Commission periodically reviews its procedural rules in Chapters 480-04 (Public Access to Information and Records) and 480-11 (SEPA) of the Washington Administrative Code. In addition, Executive Order 97-02 requires agencies to review significant rules against specified standards. Under WSR No. 97-17-047, the Commission called for comments on those chapters under the standards identified in the Executive Order: the rules’ Need; Effectiveness and Efficiency; Clarity; Intent and Statutory Authority; Coordination; Cost; and Fairness. In addition, the Commission identified chapters 480-35 WAC (Limousine charter party carriers); 480-69 WAC (Railroad companies - Track scales) and 480-150 WAC (Compliance with Economic Stabilization Act of 1970) as provisions no longer needed, and under WSR 97-17-046, called for comments on their possible repeal. Notice of the possible actions was published in the Washington State Register, as Docket A-970591 October 22, 1997 Page 1 noted, and was circulated to a broad spectrum of Commission constituencies. The Commission received no comments at all regarding the possible amendments or the possible repeal. Commission Staff has proposed editorial changes to the procedural and administrative rules in Chapters 480-04 and 480-11, which are intended to improve readability of the chapters, consistent with the terms of the Executive Order, without changing their meaning. Staff recommends that those be proposed for amendment. The remaining three chapters relate to programs that are no longer administered by the Commission. Commission Staff therefore recommends proposing repeal of those chapters.