May 8, 2000 NOTICE OF WORKSHOP (May 19, 2000) Docket No. UT-003040 U S WEST=s Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions U S WEST Communications, Inc., filed with the Commission on April 28, 2000 a proposed Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions (SGAT) and requested that the Commission consider it within the 60-day time period allotted for Commission review under Section 252(f) of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. U S WEST also included in its filing an Initial Memorandum Regarding Its Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions. The Commission will convene a workshop on May 19, 2000, for the purpose of discussing with interested persons the following matters, among others: The process for review of the proposed SGAT The time frame for such review The nature of evidence required, if any The nature of the resulting product, e.g. , whether it is or should be treated as a tariff Any other matters relating to the process of the Commission's review NOTICE OF WORKSHOP. The Commission therefore establishes a workshop for discussion of these matters with interested persons. The workshop will be held on May 19, 2000, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the hearing room, Room 206, in the Commission's headquarters building, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia, WA 98504. U S WEST is requested to send a copy of the filed documents to the primary listed representative of each party, and each petitioner for party status, in Commission Docket No. UT-003022, which is the Commission docket for review of U S WEST=s application under Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The Commission has also posted the filed documents on the Commission web site, <>. Parties who wish to comment are asked to provide comments in writing, if possible, no later than the close of business on Wednesday, May 17, 2000. The Commission asks but does not require commenters to provide 8 copies of each comment and asks commenters to provide an electronic version of the comments, by electronic mail to the Commission's records center, , or by means of a 3-1/2-inch IBM-formatted diskette, in WordPerfect version 6.1, 7 or 8 filed with the paper copies. All comments received in a compatible digital format will also be posted on the Commission's website. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please direct them to Commission staff member Paula Strain, telephone 360-664-1278 or . Sincerely, CAROLE WASHBURN Executive Secretary