BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET TC-001092 ) vs. ) ) ORDER DISMISSING Pacific NorthwestTransportation ) COMPLAINT AND ORDER Services, Inc. C-862 ) SUSPENDING TARIFF ) REVISIONS AND GRANTING Respondent. ) TARIFF REVISIONS ) BACKGROUND On July 14, 2000, Pacific Northwest Transportation Service, Inc., C-862, filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission revisions to its currently effective Tariff WN U-4 designated as: Twelfth revised page 4 The Commission, on August 9, 2000, entered a Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions pending an investigation concerning the changes and the reasonableness and justness thereof. The Commission Staff has now completed its investigation and determined that the rates and charges as filed are fair, just, and reasonable. FINDINGS 1. Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc., C-862, is a transportation company and as such is a public service company subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. 2. The revisions presently under suspension herein are not considered to be unreasonable. 3. It is not contrary to the public interest that the Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions in this docket be dismissed and that the revisions to the respondent's Tariff No. 4, become effective September 28, 2000. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions in this docket, dated August 9, 2000, be and the same is hereby dismissed, and that the revisions filed herein July 14, 2000, be and the same shall become effective September 28, 2000. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 27th day of September, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN Secretary