Agenda Date: September 13, 2000 Item Number: Docket: TS-001064 Company Name: Horluck Transportation Company, Inc. BC-19 Staff: Danny P. Kermode, Revenue Requirements Specialist Penny Hansen, Public Involvement Coordinator Recommendation: Dismiss Complaint and Order Suspending the tariff revisions in Docket TS-001064, allow Tariff No. 28 in Docket TS-001064 to become effective September 14, 2000, and affirm through Order the attached Settlement Agreement. Discussion: On July 10, 2000, Horluck Transportation Company, Inc., (Horluck) filed tariff revisions in which it proposes increasing rates for foot ferry service. Horluck proposed to increase fares by 50 cents (33% increase) from $1.50 one-way to $2.00 one-way. On August 9, 2000, the Commission issued a Complaint and Order suspending the tariff revisions. The foot ferry provides an important commuting link between Port Orchard, Annapolis, and Bremerton. The ferry is also a vital component of the Kitsap Transit system. Bus passengers can transfer from a bus to the ferry, and once again, to an awaiting bus on the opposite side. Kitsap Transit currently provides approximately 70% of Horluck’s operating revenues The amount paid by Kitsap Transit is set by a Ridership Fare Agreement (RFA) between Horluck and Kitsap Transit and is outside the jurisdiction of the Commission. Horluck and Kitsap Transit have agreed on the terms of a new Ridership Fare Agreement. Horluck received its last rate adjustment on March 1, 1999. Horluck stated it is requesting the fare increase to compensate for the effects of Initiative 695. The passage of I-695 has forced Kitsap Transit to cut its hours of service and increase bus fares. Annualizing the first seven months of this year, Staff has estimated that Horluck Transportation will transport approximately 280,000 passengers for the year 2000, compared to 450,000 passengers in 1999, a 38% decrease. The commission received 25 letters opposed to the rate increase. Customers stated that since the purchase of the company, fares have increased and service has decreased. Customers are concerned about the unreliable service provided, i.e., they use the service to commute one way and then it was canceled without notice. Customers believe if the company cared about customer service it would not shut down the commuter ferry to support his charter service. Staff has completed its analysis and has determined that the fares as proposed by the company are fair, just, reasonable, and sufficient. The increased fare is driven by the severe drop in passengers and increased depreciation and repair costs. As part of this filing, Horluck and Staff have agreed to conditions by which the tariff filing in this docket, previously suspended by the Commission, would become effective. The Company has agreed to certain performance standards, reporting requirements, and future minimum filing requirements related to rates. This settlement does not address nor resolve issues that may be identified in the Staff’s ongoing investigation in Docket TS-001200. The Settlement Agreement has been incorporated in the order before you. Therefore Staff recommends that the Commission dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending the tariff revisions in Docket TS-001064, allow Tariff No. 28 in Docket TS-001064 to become effective September 14, 2000, and affirm through Order the attached Settlement Agreement.