BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of the Pricing Proceeding for Interconnection, Unbundled Element, Transport and Termination, and Resale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In the Matter of the Pricing Proceeding for Interconnection, Unbundled Elements, Transport and Termination, and Resale for U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC. In the Matter of the Pricing Proceeding for Interconnection, Unbundled Elements, Transport and Termination, and Resale for GTE NORTHWEST INCORPORATED ))))))))))))))))) DOCKET NO. UT-960369 DOCKET NO. UT-960370 DOCKET NO. UT-960371 TWENTY-FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER ORDER GRANTING, IN PART, MOTION TO STRIKE TESTIMONY 1 On January 25, 2000 GTE Northwest Incorporated and U S WEST Communications filed a motion with the Commission to strike portions of the testimony and exhibits of Thomas Spinks, who is scheduled to be a witness in this docket on behalf of Commission Staff. 2 The basis for the motion is that the identified passages referred to Hatfield Model HAI 5.0a. The movants cite correctly to Commission orders in this docket that clearly restrict parties against using cost models other than those already of record in this proceeding. Movants note their strong opposition to the HAI 5.0a model in Docket No. UT-980311(a) and state that their opposition continues into the present. The principal cited difference relates to the methodology for locating customers for the purpose of estimating costs of serving those customers. The movants contend that if the references are allowed to stand, the movants would be required to engage in extensive examination and responding testimony to discredit the newer model, that would substantially extend the time required for the prosecution of this proceeding. 3 Commission Staff responds that Staff's references to the newer model were not intentional violations of the prior orders, but resulted from a misunderstanding. Commission Staff urges that the references should be seen as corroboration of the permissible model runs. Even though Commission Staff recommends use of the HAI 5.0a model as preferable to the earlier model, Staff contends that the essence of the testimony relates to the use of the HAI 5.0a model as a check on the results of the allowable cost model that corroborated the allowable results. Commission Staff asks leave to substitute amended exhibits if the Commission grants the motion. 4 The Commission grants the motion. Consistent with prior orders in this docket, the Commission will not consider any references to HAI Model 5.0a as an alternative to the permissible methodology previously established for this proceeding. Neither will the Commission consider any references to the methodology by which HAI 5.0a results were reached. 5 The Commission asks that the movants, the Commission Staff, and other parties whose testimony or exhibits might be affected by this ruling to agree upon and to present to the Commission a proposal to implement the motion. In the absence of accepting such an agreement, the Commission will merely disregard the references in text and exhibits. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this ___ day of February, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION C. ROBERT WALLIS Administrative Law Judge