WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DANIEL C. WILLIAMS, ) DOCKET NO. UW-981195 ) Complainant, ) ) v. ) COMMISSION DECISION AND ORDER ) APPROVING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT; AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES, INC., ) DISMISSING COMPLAINT ) Respondent. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) PROCEEDINGS: This is a formal complaint proceeding. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Administrative Law Judge Dennis J. Moss held a prehearing conference on November 12, 1998, and set a procedural schedule. ALJ Moss suspended the procedural schedule at the parties request to permit them an opportunity to settle. The parties filed their Settlement Agreement on February 2, 1999. APPEARANCES: Robert E. Beaty, Attorney, Seattle, represents Complainant Daniel C. Williams. Richard A. Finnigan, Attorney, Olympia, represents Respondent American Water Resources, Inc. (AWRI). Mary M. Tennyson, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Olympia, represents Commission Staff. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT: The parties filed their January 23, 1999, Settlement Agreement on February 2, 1999. Staff states no objection. COMMISSION: The Commission approves the parties’ proposed settlement, including their agreement this proceeding should be dismissed with prejudice. MEMORANDUM The Commission’s rules and practice provide for and promote alternative dispute resolution and settlement as alternatives to litigation. WAC 480-09-465 and 480-09-466. In this case, the Commission suspended the procedural schedule at the parties’ request to permit them an opportunity to resolve their differences via informal settlement negotiations. The parties advised the Commission a settlement was achieved and a Settlement Agreement, executed by the parties, was filed on February 2, 1999. By its terms, the Settlement Agreement provides for “full and final settlement of all matters directly or indirectly complained of or involved in Docket No. UW-981195.” The parties “agree that the complaint under Docket No. UW-981195 may be dismissed with prejudice.” Commission Staff advises it does not intend to comment on the proposed settlement. The Settlement Agreement is straightforward and easily understood; it resolves a relatively simple dispute. The Commission finds it unnecessary to schedule a hearing session for the parties to present the settlement and make themselves available for inquiry. The Commission exercises its informed judgment to accept the settlement as a full and final resolution of the issues in this proceeding. WAC 480-09-466(2)(a). The Commission finds it appropriate to dismiss this proceeding with prejudice in accordance with the Settlement Agreement’s terms. ORDER THE COMMISSION ORDERS That the parties’ January 23, 1999, Settlement Agreement, filed February 2, 1999, is accepted as a full and final resolution of Daniel C. William’s Complaint in this proceeding; THE COMMISSION ORDERS FURTHER That Daniel C. William’s Complaint, filed September 14, 1998, is dismissed with prejudice. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 10th day of February 1999. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ANNE LEVINSON, Chair RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner NOTICE TO PARTIES: This is a final order of the Commission. In addition to judicial review, administrative relief may be available through a petition for reconsideration, filed within 10 days of the service of this order pursuant to RCW 34.05.470 and WAC 480-09-810, or a petition for rehearing pursuant to RCW 80.04.200 or RCW 81.04.200 and WAC 480-09-820(1).