Via Internet: July 31, 1997 Mr. Steve McLellan Executive Secretary Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S. W. P. O. Box 47250 Olympia, Washington 98504-7250 RE: Rules Review Pursuant to Executive Order 97-02 Docket No.UT-971104 Attention: Bob Wallis, Review Judge and Jeffrey W. Showman, Policy Specialist Dear Mr. McLellan: On July 11, 1997, the Commission issued a notice that invited interested persons to submit written comments on the Commission rules review pursuant to Executive Order 97-02. Areas for immediate comment were identified as follows: 1. Suggestions for standards to determine which rules meet the criteria in the Executive Order as well as suggestions for rules or chapters that need not be reviewed. 2. Suggestions as to specific rules that the Commission should review, including the reasons why the rule should be reviewed. 3. Suggestions for schedule and format for the four-year review. Following are U S WEST Communications, Inc. (U S WEST) very preliminary comments: I. SUGGESTIONS FOR STANDARDS TO DETERMINE WHICH RULES MEET THE CRITERIA IN THE EXECUTIVE ORDER The standards identified by the Executive Order are necessity, effectiveness, efficiency, clarity, statutory authority, consistency with statutory intent, cost/benefit relationship and fairness to regulated entities. U S WEST supports these standards, particularly in light of the enormous changes rapidly occurring in the telecommunications industry. The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) has evolved over time with a predominant assumption that the telecommunications industry would always be regulated as a de jure monopoly. As a result, many rules are badly out of date. Indeed, a strong case can be made for elimination of many rules. It is critical that the Commission and the industry review current rules with a strong bias for eliminating any regulatory requirements that operate to treat competing telecommunications companies in an unfair way, or discriminate between companies. WAC 480-140, WAC 480-143, WAC 480-80 and WAC 480-120 contain numerous requirements that must be rewritten for clarity and for fairness to differently regulated entities. They also contain requirements that are no longer effective or efficient. WAC 480-09 and WAC 480-122 may not need to be reviewed. II. SUGGESTIONS AS TO SPECIFIC RULES THAT THE COMMISSION SHOULD REVIEW Due to the press of business associated with the consolidated cost dockets, U S WEST has not yet had time to extensively analyze each rule for possible changes. U S WEST will do its best to circulate a rule by rule discussion prior to the workshop scheduled for August 12, 1997. III. SUGGESTIONS FOR SCHEDULE AND FORMAT FOR THE FOUR-YEAR REVIEW. The schedule for rule review should prioritize the review of rule provisions based on the relevant standard for review. Following is the U S WEST proposal for the order of a proposed priority schedule: 1. Rules that harm competition by treating competing carriers differently. 2. Rules that are inconsistent with statutory intent or are no longer consistent with statutory requirements. 3. Rules that impose significant costs to either the industry or the Commission with little or no benefit. Participants should identify those rules that do not meet one of the three above standards or any other standard yet to be identified. The list should then be consolidated and distributed to interested parties. Participants should then file a proposal for the elimination, modification or addition of proposed rule language for each WAC. As each rule is reviewed, proponents for retention of current rule provisions should address why the rule is necessary and whether the current rule language is effective and efficient. Suggestions should also include proposals for improvement of any current rule language that is uncertain or ambiguous. Comments should then be consolidated and a determination made if a workshop or further comment cycle is necessary. New rules should also be considered as rules are eliminated or modified. Traditional rules should be replaced with more concise and relevant requirements. For example, detailed tariff requirements should be re-examined in light of the new competitive environment. We will be pleased to receive others' comments and correspondence in regard to this docket by E-Mail at: Very truly yours, Edward T. Shaw y:\eshaw\public\a971104.doc