------------------------------) WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET NO. UT-970066 ) PAGES 1 - 5 vs. ) VOLUME 1 THE TOLEDO TELEPHONE COMPANY, ) INC., ) Respondent. ) ------------------------------) A hearing in the above matter was held on July 29, 1997, at 9:30 a.m. at 1300 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest before Administrative Law Judge TERRENCE STAPLETON. The parties were present as follows: WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STAFF, by JEFF GOLTZ, Senior Assistant Attorney General, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive, Olympia, Washington, 98501. FOR THE TOLEDO TELEPHONE CO., INC., RICHARD A. FINNIGAN, Attorney at Law, 2405 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Suite B-3, Olympia, Washington, 98502. FOR NORTHWEST PAY PHONE ASSOCIATION, BROOKS E. HARLOW, Attorney at Law, 601 Union Street, Suite 4400, Seattle, Washington, 98101. Cheryl J. Hammer, CSR Court Reporter JUDGE STAPLETON: This is the hearing and docket No. UT-970066 filing by Toledo Company Incorporated for statewide increase in rates for straight telephone conference. This is a prehearing conference set by due and proper notices by the Commission, dated June 30, 1997. Today's date is July 29, 1997, we're convened in Olympia, Washington before Commissioner Richard Hemstad, Commissioner William Gillis and Commissioner of law and judge, Terrence Stapleton. I will start by taking appearances for the company, please state your name and business address and voice fax numbers for the record. MR. FINNIGAN: Richard A. Finnigan, the address is 2405 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Suite B-3, Olympia, Washington, 98502, the voice number is (360) 956-7001, the fax is (360) 753-6862, appearing on behalf of Toledo Telephone Company, Inc. JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you. For Commission staff? MR. GOLTZ: My name is Jeffrey Goltz with the Attorney Generals office, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, PO Box 40128, Olympia, 98504-0128. I am substituting today for Mary Tennyson of our office who will be the counsel in this case. She is out of town on personal matters this week. My number is (360) 753-6405, Ms. Tennyson's number is 753-1964, our fax number is area code (360) 586-5522. JUDGE STAPLETON: It's my understanding the commissioner has received a petition to intervene in this proceeding from the Northwest Pay Phone Association represented by Bruce Harlow. I understand that counsel have agreed not to contest the intervention of Mr. Harlow on behalf -- the intervention of Northwest Pay Phone Association. I will provide for the record a mailing address and voice and fax telephone numbers for Mr. Harlow at the conclusion of the proceeding. The intervention of Northwest Pay Phone Association will be approved. I'm sorry, I assumed that would be granted rather than approved. Let's go off the record for a moment and discuss some procedure matters. (Discussion off the record.) JUDGE STAPLETON: While we were off the record we discussed a number of procedural matters. The schedule has been adopted for this proceeding as follows: The company will file its initial round of testimony on August the 22, 1997, staff and intervenors testimony will be due September 29, 1997, company rebuttal testimony due October 20, 1997. Hearings are scheduled for November 6th and 7, 1997, the Commission and their parties will decide during the hearing phase whether or not briefs will be filed or an oral argument following evidentiary hearings will suffice in lieu of briefing. The parties agreed that the statutory suspension date for the tariff filing in this proceeding is February 14, 1998. The Commission has invoked the discovery rule WAC 48009-480. There has been no request to modify the timelines for filing and responding to data requests. The company has requested a protective order be entered in this proceeding and one will be issued forth in the model of the Electric Light Waive Incorporated protective order. The company and parties will file an original and eight copies of all prefiled testimony identifying confidential material and sequestering it from the non-confidential material in its filing. Is there anything? MR. FINNIGAN: Address for the record. JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you. Is there anything I have missed or anything additional you want to put on the record? MR. FINNIGAN: No. JUDGE STAPLETON: All right then, this prehearing conference is adjourned, thank you.IG 000051600061 0000519000 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ------------------------------) WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET No. UT-970066 ) vs. ) THE TOLEDO TELEPHONE COMPANY, ) INC., ) Respondent. ) ------------------------------) A hearing in the above matter was held on July 29, 1997, at 9:30 a.m. at 1300 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest before Administrative Law Judge TERRENCE STAPLETON. The parties were present as follows: WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STAFF, by JEFF GOLTZ, Senior Assistant Attorney General, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive, Olympia, Washington, 98501. FOR THE TOLEDO TELEPHONE CO., INC., RICHARD A. FINNIGAN, Attorney at Law, 2405 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Suite B-3, Olympia, Washington, 98502. FOR NORTHWEST PAY PHONE ASSOCIATION, BROOKS E. HARLOW, Attorney at Law, 601 Union Street, Suite 4400, Seattle, Washington, 98101. Cheryl J. Hammer, CSR Court Reporter JUDGE STAPLETON: This is the hearing and docket No. UT-970066 filing by Toledo Company Incorporated for statewide increase in rates for straight telephone conference. This is a prehearing conference set by due and proper notices by the Commission, dated June 30, 1997. Today's date is July 29, 1997, we're convened in Olympia, Washington before Commissioner Richard Hemstad, Commissioner William Gillis and Commissioner of law and judge, Terrence Stapleton. I will start by taking appearances for the company, please state your name and business address and voice fax numbers for the record. MR. FINNIGAN: Richard A. Finnigan, the address is 2405 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Suite B-3, Olympia, Washington, 98502, the voice number is (360) 956-7001, the fax is (360) 753-6862, appearing on behalf of Toledo Telephone Company, Inc. JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you. For Commission staff? MR. GOLTZ: My name is Jeffrey Goltz with the Attorney Generals office, 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, PO Box 40128, Olympia, 98504-0128. I am substituting today for Mary Tennyson of our office who will be the counsel in this case. She is out of town on personal matters this week. My number is (360) 753-6405, Ms. Tennyson's number is 753-1964, our fax number is area code (360) 586-5522. JUDGE STAPLETON: It's my understanding the commissioner has received a petition to intervene in this proceeding from the Northwest Pay Phone Association represented by Bruce Harlow. I understand that counsel have agreed not to contest the intervention of Mr. Harlow on behalf -- the intervention of Northwest Pay Phone Association. I will provide for the record a mailing address and voice and fax telephone numbers for Mr. Harlow at the conclusion of the proceeding. The intervention of Northwest Pay Phone Association will be approved. I'm sorry, I assumed that would be granted rather than approved. Let's go off the record for a moment and discuss some procedure matters. (Discussion off the record.) JUDGE STAPLETON: While we were off the record we discussed a number of procedural matters. The schedule has been adopted for this proceeding as follows: The company will file its initial round of testimony on August the 22, 1997, staff and intervenors testimony will be due September 29, 1997, company rebuttal testimony due October 20, 1997. Hearings are scheduled for November 6th and 7, 1997, the Commission and their parties will decide during the hearing phase whether or not briefs will be filed or an oral argument following evidentiary hearings will suffice in lieu of briefing. The parties agreed that the statutory suspension date for the tariff filing in this proceeding is February 14, 1998. The Commission has invoked the discovery rule WAC 48009-480. There has been no request to modify the timelines for filing and responding to data requests. The company has requested a protective order be entered in this proceeding and one will be issued forth in the model of the Electric Light Wave Incorporated protective order. The company and parties will file an original and eight copies of all prefiled testimony identifying confidential material and sequestering it from the non-confidential material in its filing. Is there anything? MR. FINNIGAN: Address for the record. JUDGE STAPLETON: Thank you. Is there anything I have missed or anything additional you want to put on the record? MR. FINNIGAN: No. JUDGE STAPLETON: All right then, this prehearing conference is adjourned, thank you very much. (Hearing adjourned at 9:50 a.m.)