BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the matter of the application of PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC. for an Approving an Amendment to a Service Area Agreement with the City of Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOCKET NO. UE-900794 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER APPROVING REVISED EXHIBIT A MEMORANDUM 1 The Commission, on August 22, 1990, issued its Order in this docket approving Puget Sound Power & Light Company to participate in a Service Area Agreement ("Agreement") with the City of Tacoma, Washington (dba "Tacoma Power"), pursuant to Chapter 54.48 RCW. 2 The Commission, on June 6, 1997, issued its First Supplemental Order in this docket, which allowed for revisions to the boundary descriptions in the Agreement. 3 By second supplemental application ("Application") filed June 9, 2000, Puget Sound Energy, Inc. ("PSE"), the successor in interest to Puget Sound Power & Light Company, seeks Commission approval of an amendment to the Agreement between PSE and Tacoma Power. A correction to the second supplemental application was filed by PSE on June 15, 2000. 4 Exhibit A to the Agreement provides the legal description of the boundary between PSE's and Tacoma Power's adjoining service areas (the "Boundary"). Pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Agreement, the parties have agreed to certain adjustments to the Boundary since 1990 to permit effective, efficient and economical service to locations on or near the Boundary. The parties have revised the original Exhibit A to the Agreement to include an "Amendment 1 Updating the Boundary Agreement," which describes such adjustments. The revised Exhibit A is attached to PSE's Application as Exhibit A. PSE now seeks to have the Commission approve amendment of Agreement such that the revised Exhibit A will replace the original Exhibit A to the Agreement. 5 Having reviewed the Application and the exhibits attached hereto, the Commisssion is of the opinion that the adjustments of the Boundary described in revised Exhibit A are consistent with the legislative policy enuciated in Chapter 54.45 RCW; that the objectives and purposes specified in that legislation would be reasonably achieved by approval of an amendment to the Agreement to incorporate the Boundary adjustments described in revised Exhibit A; and that such approval is consistent with the public interest. 6 This matter was brought before the Commission at its January 11, 2001, regularly scheduled open meeting. The Commissioners, having been fully advised in the matter, and having determined the following order to be consistent with the public interest, directed the Secretary to enter the following order and related provisions. FINDINGS THE COMMISSION FINDS: 7 PSE is engaged in the business of furnishing electric and gas service within the State of Washington as a public service company, and is subject to the jurisdiction of this Commission. 8 The amendment to the Service Area Agreement to incorporate the Boundary adjustments described in revised Exhibit A, as filed by PSE, is in accordance with the Commission's Order in this docket and is consistent with the legislative policy enuciated in Chapter 54.48 RCW. ORDER 9 THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS that the Service Area Agreement originally approved by the Commission on August 22, 1990, is amended by replacing the original Exhibit A with the revised Exhibit A attached to Puget Sound Energy, Inc.'s Application, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 54.48 RCW. 10 Nothing herein shall be construed to waive or otherwise impair the jurisdiction of this Commission over the rates, services, accounts and practices of Puget Sound Energy, Inc. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 11th day of January, 2001. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CAROLE J. WASHBURN, Secretary