September 8, 2000 NOTICE OF RECOMMENDATION TO TERMINATE RULEMAKING DOCKET NO. UT-990261 CARRIER-TO-CARRIER RULEMAKING TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: On April 28, 1999, the Commission commenced an investigation regarding the need for carrier- to-carrier service quality rules. On May 18, 1999, the Commission filed a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) The Commission held workshops on July 16, 1999, and March 10, 2000, and requested comments from interested persons on the subject of carrier-to-carrier service quality. The Commission requested interested parties to consider whether there were alternatives to the rulemaking such as tariffs, or Statements of Generally Acceptable Terms (SGAT), that could add to industry flexibility and allow administrative efficiency. Since the last workshop, Commission staff feels that several alternatives are available to carriers to address carrier-to-carrier service quality issues. These alternatives include SGATs, Stipulation Agreements, and various interconnection agreements between carriers. As part of the conditions for approval of the merger between GTE Northwest and Bell Atlantic, Verizon Northwest has agreed to meet certain performance requirements for interconnection. Workshops are underway to determine compliance with section 271 requirements for Qwest and to reach agreement on Qwest’s Statement of Generally Acceptable Terms. The Commission appreciates the comments and participation of interested persons regarding this topic. At the Commission’s open meeting on September 13, 2000, Commission Staff will recommend to the Commission that the rulemaking proceeding in Docket UT-990261 be discontinued. Parties may petition the Commission at any time to promulgate rules on the subject of carrier-to-carrier service quality. Questions regarding this rulemaking docket may be addressed to David Griffith, Commission Staff, at 360-664-1284. Sincerely, Carole J. Washburn Secretary