00001 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON 2 UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 3 4 WORLDCOM, INC., f/k/a MFS ) DOCKET NO. UT-980338 5 INTELENET OF WASHINGTON, ) VOLUME I 6 INC. ) Pages 1-12 7 Complainant, ) 8 v. ) 9 GTE NORTHWEST, INC., ) 10 Respondent. ) 11 _____________________________) 12 13 14 A hearing in the above matter was 15 held on October 13, 1998, at 1:42 p.m., at 1300 16 Evergreen Park Drive Southwest, Olympia, Washington, 17 before Administrative Law Judge KAREN CAILLE. 18 19 20 The parties were present as 21 follows: 22 GTE NORTHWEST, INC., by Kimberly 23 Newman and Jennifer McClellan, Attorneys at Law, 24 Hunton & Williams, 1900 K Street, Suite 1200, 25 Washington, DC 20006 (via conference bridge). 00002 1 WORLDCOM, INC., by Richard Rindler 2 and Michael Fleming, Attorneys at Law, Swidler & 3 Berlin, Chartered, 3000 K Street, Suite 300, 4 Washington, DC 20007 (via conference bridge). 5 THE COMMISSION, by Gregory J. 6 Trautman, Assistant Attorney General, 1400 South 7 Evergreen Park Drive, S.W., Olympia, Washington 8 98504-0128. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Barbara L. Spurbeck, CSR 25 Court Reporter 00003 1 JUDGE CAILLE: Let's go on the record. 2 We'll take appearances and then we'll go off the 3 record and discuss a schedule. 4 MR. RINDLER: Your Honor, this is Richard 5 Rindler -- 6 JUDGE CAILLE: Just a second. 7 MR. RINDLER: -- and Michael Fleming, of 8 the law firm of Swidler, Berlin -- 9 JUDGE CAILLE: Mr. Rindler -- 10 MR. RINDLER: -- representing the 11 Complainant, WorldCom, Inc. 12 JUDGE CAILLE: Excuse me, Mr. Rindler. 13 MR. RINDLER: Yes. 14 JUDGE CAILLE: I have something to say 15 first, and then I'll call for the appearances. 16 MR. RINDLER: Sorry, I thought you did. 17 JUDGE CAILLE: Thank you. All right. 18 Let's begin. This is a prehearing conference before 19 the Washinton Utilities and Transportation Commission 20 in Docket UT-980338. It is a complaint filed by 21 WorldCom, Incorporated, formerly known as MFS 22 Internet of Washington, Incorporated, against GTE 23 Northwest, Incorporated. 24 This prehearing conference is being held 25 pursuant to proper notice at the Commission's offices 00004 1 in Olympia, Washington, on October 13th, 1998, at 2 1:30 p.m. I am Karen Caille, and I will be the ALJ 3 presiding over this matter. May I have the 4 appearances for the record, please? 5 MR. RINDLER: Richard Rindler and Michael 6 Fleming with the law firm Swidler, Berlin, Sherriff 7 (phonetic) & Freedman, in Washington, D.C., 3000 K 8 Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 9 JUDGE CAILLE: On behalf of? 10 MR. RINDLER: WorldCom, Inc. 11 JUDGE CAILLE: Thank you. 12 MS. NEWMAN: Good afternoon, Your Honor, 13 this is Kimberly Newman and Jennifer McClellan, from 14 the law firm of Hunton & Williams, 1900 K Street, 15 N.W., Suite 1200, Washington, D.C., on behalf of GTE. 16 MR. TRAUTMAN: And Greg Trautman, Assistant 17 Attorney General, representing Commission Staff. My 18 address is 1400 South Evergreen Park Drive, S.W. 19 Olympia, Washington, Post Office 40128, Zip Code 20 98504. 21 JUDGE CAILLE: Let the record reflect that 22 there are no other appearances. I assume, from 23 looking around the room, that there are no other 24 parties that are petitioning to intervene. Let's go 25 off the record and we will discuss scheduling 00005 1 matters. 2 (Discussion off the record.) 3 JUDGE CAILLE: Let's go on the record. 4 Pursuant to extensive off-record discussion regarding 5 scheduling, possibility of filing cross motions for 6 summary judgment, the parties -- well, I am imposing 7 the following schedule, and I understand that there 8 is an objection by GTE as to the schedule, and we 9 will hear that. It will be placed on the record. 10 The discovery will be concluded on November 11 the 2nd, and this discovery will have a five-day 12 turnaround. Initial testimony will be filed on 13 November the 6th, reply testimony on November the 14 13th, and the hearing will be held on November the 15 19th. And I presume we will start at 9:30 for that 16 hearing. 17 Initial simultaneous briefs will be due on 18 December the 3rd, and reply briefs on December the 19 10th. I would note that these should be facsimile 20 filings, and if you will the follow that up also with 21 a hard copy, as well. 22 Just as a reminder, the filing of all 23 documents is an original plus three, and the 24 Commission will accept a facsimile filing, but you do 25 need to follow it up with a hard copy filing, and 00006 1 that should be to the Commission's secretary, 2 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, 3 Post Office Box 47250, Olympia, Washington, 4 98504-7250. 5 Ms. Newman, would you like to put your 6 objection to the schedule into the record? 7 MS. NEWMAN: Yes, thank you, Your Honor. 8 This is Kimberly Newman, for GTE, again. GTE does 9 object to this aggressive schedule, as the ALJ 10 referred to it, on the grounds that it amounts to a 11 denial of due process, inasmuch as it is here today 12 October the 13th, that an order is going to be 13 entered forcing GTE to go to a hearing on this matter 14 by November 19th, approximately five weeks away. 15 We identified off the record a number of 16 factual issues that could play a role in the ultimate 17 decision of this case, namely factual issues 18 pertaining to the counterclaim, perhaps the 19 introduction of parol evidence, the amount of traffic 20 at issue here, and the penalties at issue here. GTE 21 believes it needs more than approximately a fortnight 22 to conduct discovery, even on the 15-day turnaround. 23 We submit that WorldCom is not sufficiently 24 justified in asking for an expedited resolution of 25 this matter inasmuch as it has an adequate remedy at 00007 1 law. To the extent it prevails, it would be paid in 2 full by order of the ALJ, and therefore, there's no 3 justification for this kind of aggressive schedule. 4 JUDGE CAILLE: In addition to those issues 5 that you mentioned, Ms. Newman, are there any other 6 issues that you envision? 7 MS. NEWMAN: Obviously, the legal issue, as 8 to interpretation of the contract under, I guess, 9 federal law and state law. 10 JUDGE CAILLE: Mr. Rindler, how about you? 11 Are there any issues that have not been addressed by 12 GTE, that you know of, will be raised? 13 MR. RINDLER: No, Your Honor. I think the 14 issue before the Commission is simply the question of 15 enforcing a voluntarily negotiated interconnection 16 agreement and determining whether or not that 17 agreement provides for payment of reciprocal 18 compensation, pursuant to 251(B), or calls made to 19 Internet service providers. 20 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. Staff. 21 MR. TRAUTMAN: No, Your Honor. I'm not 22 sure whether GTE placed the issues into the record, 23 or was that -- they might want to articulate the 24 issues for the record. 25 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. Ms. Newman. 00008 1 MS. NEWMAN: I did refer -- perhaps I need 2 to explain further the potential factual issues on 3 the record, which is, namely, the interpretation of 4 the contract. To the extent Your Honor deems it to 5 be ambiguous, Your Honor may want to take parol 6 evidence as to what was meant in the drafting of the 7 contract. 8 We also believe there might be an issue 9 with respect to interpretation of the contract in the 10 amount of traffic at issue here, what was 11 contemplated by the parties at the time the contract 12 was executed. That's why we would like to get into 13 the issue about the balance and the out of balance 14 and the negotiations leading into the contract. 15 Furthermore, I'm not sure what the 16 Commission Staff anticipates in terms of its legal 17 arguments with respect to any contemplated penalties, 18 but obviously there's some issues there. 19 And furthermore, GTE has a sort of 20 counterclaim whereby it asserts that WorldCom is not 21 in a position to recover under their interconnection 22 agreement in any event, because it breached the 23 interconnection agreement by not negotiating in good 24 faith to renew the interconnection agreement. I 25 think that covers all the issues. 00009 1 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. Thank you. I 2 don't suppose that the parties know right now the 3 number of witnesses that they would be anticipating? 4 MR. RINDLER: Your Honor, this is Mr. 5 Rindler for WorldCom. 6 JUDGE CAILLE: Yes, Mr. Rindler. 7 MR. RINDLER: It would be our anticipation 8 that there would only be one witness. 9 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. Ms. Newman. 10 MS. NEWMAN: Your Honor, it's really 11 difficult to say at this point. I don't anticipate a 12 hearing taking more than a day, but to the extent you 13 get into parol evidence or we try to introduce parol 14 evidence, I don't know how many people were involved 15 in the negotiation of these contracts, nor can I say, 16 sitting here today, what was at issue in the 17 counterclaim. 18 I know right now, from talking with Mr. 19 Rindler before this prehearing conference call, that 20 there were certain representatives from WorldCom 21 allegedly involved in the negotiations, but GTE 22 representatives are telling me it never took place. 23 So it's just difficult for me to say at this point 24 how many witnesses we would be calling. 25 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. What about 00010 1 Staff? 2 MR. TRAUTMAN: I can't say at this point 3 that Staff will have a witness at all. If we did, it 4 would probably not be more than one. 5 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. It doesn't sound 6 to me that this hearing lends itself to the need for 7 a protective order; is that correct? 8 MR. RINDLER: That would be our view, Your 9 Honor. 10 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. I would just 11 like to remind the parties that, for the hearing, if 12 you'll please bring enough -- two copies for myself, 13 one copy for the reporter, and one copy for the 14 witness and the parties. And I will memorialize most 15 of these things and what occurred today in a 16 prehearing conference order. And of course, you'll 17 have an opportunity to object to that order. Is 18 there anything further from anyone? 19 MR. RINDLER: Your Honor, I believe you had 20 requested we provide you with our fax numbers? 21 JUDGE CAILLE: Yes, thank you for reminding 22 me. Yes, would you please, each of you, beginning 23 with Mr. Rindler, state your facsimile numbers. 24 MR. RINDLER: Yes, Your Honor. Richard 25 Rindler, at Swidler, 202-424-7645. 00011 1 JUDGE CAILLE: Ms. Newman. 2 MS. NEWMAN: Yes, my fax number is 3 202-778-2201. If I may, may I give you Jennifer 4 McClellan's fax number? 5 JUDGE CAILLE: Certainly. 6 MS. NEWMAN: 804-788-8218. 7 JUDGE CAILLE: I'm sorry, could you repeat 8 that for me? 9 MS. NEWMAN: Sure. 804-788-8218. 10 JUDGE CAILLE: And Staff? 11 MR. TRAUTMAN: My fax number is 12 360-586-5522. 13 MS. NEWMAN: Your Honor, may we have your 14 fax number for filing? 15 JUDGE CAILLE: Just a moment. The fax 16 number for the Records Center is 360-586-1150. Is 17 there anything further from anyone? 18 MR. RINDLER: We don't have anything, Your 19 Honor. 20 MS. NEWMAN: No, Your Honor, we don't. 21 JUDGE CAILLE: All right. Then we will be 22 continued to November the 19th. Thank you. 23 MS. NEWMAN: Thank you. 24 MR. TRAUTMAN: Thank you. 25 MR. RINDLER: Thanks. 00012 1 (Proceedings adjourned at 2:43 p.m.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25