BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION In the Matter of Amending ) DOCKET TV-980092 Washington Utilities and Transportation ) Commission ) ORDER CANCELING Tariffs Relating to Transportation ) TARIFFS NO. 10 AND 15 of Household Goods in Washington ) ORDER ADOPTING THE Interstate Commerce, ) RAND MC NALLY ) MILEAGE GUIDE AS A ) GOVERNING DOCUMENT ) AND ESTABLISHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) TARIFF NO. 15- On January 20, 1998, the Washington Movers Conference (WMC), on behalf of its member carriers, filed a petition with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) requesting extensive amendment to Commission-published Tariffs 10 and 15. The petition also contained a proposed redraft of Tariff 15. The Commission is required by RCW 81.80.150 to compile, publish, and distribute tariffs containing rates, charges, classifications, rules, and regulations to be used by all common carriers. At the present time, the Commission publishes two tariffs. The first is Tariff 10, a mileage circular that sets out the constructive mileage between all points in the state of Washington. The second is Tariff 15, a tariff containing rates, charges, rules, and regulations for the transportation of household goods. Both tariffs may be amended, following notice and hearing, on petition by carriers or on the Commission’s own motion. A decision was made during initial review of Docket TV-980092 that the proposal should be used as an opportunity to completely examine the tariffs governing transportation of household goods. The draft tariff submitted by the WMC would be the starting point for a total rewrite of the tariff that would result in a document that: • Was written in more clearly understood language; • Was easier to use, by various audiences; • Contained little or no technical jargon; • Was relevant, with outdated material removed, and new explanatory material added; • Reflected the current status of the moving industry; and • Incorporated changes needed as a result of newly-adopted rules. Commission Staff worked with the petitioner and other interested parties to complete a review of Tariffs 10 and 15. This process involved various phases including Staff development of an alternate proposed tariff; discussion with interested parties; and a series of meetings in which interested parties were invited to participate. Interested parties included WMC members, carriers who were not members of WMC, consumers, and a representative of the Office of State Procurement. Commission Staff and stakeholders developed a proposed tariff that is attached to, and by reference, made a part of this order. Following completion of the review and analysis process, Commission Staff recommended: 1. The Commission cancel Tariff 10, the mileage circular. This tariff is outdated to such a degree that updating it would be a lengthy and expensive proposition. Further, maintaining it following update would be problematic and require considerable expenditures of Commission resources. Acceptable alternatives to Tariff 10 are available on the open market. 2. The Commission adopt use of the Rand McNally Mileage Guide in place of canceled Tariff 10. Rand McNally is an industry standard; most carriers already use it for their interstate shipments. Adopting Rand McNally for use in Washington will foster uniformity between interstate and intrastate transportation. This will lead to decreased costs to the carriers as they will no longer need to purchase and maintain two separate mileage guides. Further, they will not have to sustain the costs of training their employees in using two mileage guides. 3. The Commission cancel Tariff 15 and adopt in its place proposed Tariff 15-A. The proposed tariff is the result of lengthy analysis, discussion, and negotiation between Staff and stakeholders. The proposed tariff, however, contains so many suggested changes from the currently-effective tariff that it is more cost-effective to cancel the current tariff and adopt an entirely new tariff. 4. Tariff 15-A become effective on February 1, 2000. Delaying effectiveness until that date will allow sufficient time for carriers to familiarize their employees with the provisions of the new tariff, adjust computer programming, and be prepared to effectively use Tariff 15-A. 5. Carriers holding shipments in storage-in-transit be required to handle those shipments subject to the rules, definitions, rates and charges in effect at the time the shipment was placed in storage. 6. Carriers be required to review estimates issued before February 1, 2000, applying on shipments that will take place after February 1, 2000, and, if necessary, issue new estimates or provide supplemental estimates. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. On January 20, 1998, Washington Movers Conference filed, on behalf of its member carriers, a petition requesting amendments to Commission Tariffs 10 and 15. 2. Washington Movers Conference is a Washington corporation, licensed to do business in the state of Washington, whose membership consists of carriers engaged in the business of transporting household goods in the state of Washington. 3. The Commission is required by RCW 81.80.150 to compile, publish, and distribute tariffs containing rates, charges, classifications, rules, and regulations to be used by all common carriers. 4. Based on the petition and on Staff recommendation, the Commission finds that the tariffs applying for the transportation of household goods in the state of Washington should be amended as recommended. O R D E R IT IS ORDERED That: 1. Effective February 1, 2000, Tariff 10, the mileage circular currently published by the Commission, is canceled. 2. Effective February 1, 2000, the Rand McNally Mileage Guide is adopted as the governing mileage guide. Language adopting the Rand McNally Mileage Guide shall be included in the Commission’s household goods tariff. Adoption of additional or alternate mileage guides shall be accomplished in the future, following notice and hearing, through amendment of the Commission’s Household Goods Tariff. 3. Effective February 1, 2000, Tariff 15 is canceled. 4. Effective February 1, 2000, proposed Tariff 15-A, attached to this order and by this reference made a part of the order, is adopted for use by all carriers transporting household goods in the state of Washington that are subject to Commission regulation. 5. Shipments that have been placed into storage-in transit prior to February 1, 2000, shall continue to be handled under rates and rules in effect on the date the shipment was placed into storage. 6. Carriers must review estimates made prior to February 1, 2000, applying on shipments to be transported after February 1, 2000. If application of the provisions of Tariff 15-A will result in increased costs to the shipper, the carrier must issue a new estimate or provide a supplemental estimate to the shipper. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this day of January, 2000. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MARILYN SHOWALTER, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner