Agenda Date: March 28, 2001 Item No.: 2G Docket: UE-010295 Company Name: Avista Corporation, dba Avista Utilities Staff: Joelle Steward, Policy Research Specialist Thomas Schooley, Policy Research Specialist Recommendation: Allow the tariff revisions in UE-010295 to become effective April 1, 2001, as filed. Also, issue an Order requiring 1) reports to be filed with the Commission on program implementation, due by the end of July and the end of October and 2) requiring the Company to continue to post current offer prices on a publicly available website. Background In the special open meeting session on December 9, 2000, the Commission permitted Avista's Voluntary Buy-Back of Customer Power, Schedule 70R, to become effective with less than statutory notice (Docket No. UE-001923). The program was approved on an expedited basis due to the volatile market conditions and severe weather forecasts at the time. The program tariff included a termination date for March 30, 2001. A broad overview of the program's features and implementation experience is provided in the attached table. The buy back program provides a billing credit to large customers for voluntary load curtailment at times specified by the company. The purpose of this program is to provide the Company an opportunity to reduce its power supply expense during periods of high market prices for electricity. Market prices are expected to remain high through the summer because of the present drought conditions and the supply imbalance across the region. The current filing makes four changes to the existing tariff: 1. extends the termination date to October 31, 2001; 2. removes the minimum payment language; 3. and specifies that customers taking similar service will be provided with the highest credit received by a customer on any day; and 4. includes language requiring acknowledgement by participants that the decision to curtail usage was influenced by this program. In order to take advantage of opportunities to reduce power supply expenses, and limit accruals in the deferral account established in Docket UE-000972, Avista proposes to extend this program through the summer and part of autumn with a new termination date of October 31, 2001. The Company is also removing the minimum payment language in order to give themselves greater flexibility for when they could seek curtailment and to remove any issue of discrimination over program offer prices to industrial customers under this tariff sheet (70R) and irrigation customers under sheet 70S. Lastly, the Company is trying to guard against free ridership by including an acknowledgement by participants that their decision to curtail was influenced by the program. Discussion Avista has sought curtailment once with the industrial buy back program, which resulted in curtailment in December of 613 MWh and power supply expense savings of approximately $82,000. The Company did not solicit power during the months of January and February because of a combination of sufficient system resources, pre-purchased power and lower indexed market prices. Staff supports the Company's proposed changes for this filing at this time. The market and hydro conditions in the current situation necessitate that the utilities have the opportunity and flexibility to use these voluntary buy back mechanisms to reduce their power supply expenses for all ratepayers. Since there is little experience to date with these programs, Staff believes that the extension of the termination date (as opposed to the elimination of a termination date altogether) is appropriate so that we may have more time and opportunities to verify that ratepayers do benefit from these programs. Staff also recommends that Avista submit two reports, of similar format and detail as current monthly program reports, over the course of the extended period. The first report would be due by the end of July and would cover implementation during April, May and June; the second would be due by the end of October, covering implementation during July, August and September. These reports will provide Staff and the Commission the ability to monitor implementation and ease the burden on the Company of filing monthly reports, as was required by the Order Granting Less than Statutory Notice in Docket UE-001923. Additionally, the Order in Docket UE-001923 required Avista to "post offered curtailment prices on a publicly available website." Avista has complied on this point and Staff recommends that this requirement remain in effect for the extended period. Recommendation Staff recommends that the tariff revision in Docket UE-010295 become effective April 1, 2001, as filed. Furthermore, Staff recommends that the Commission issue an Order requiring 1) reports to be filed with the Commission on program implementation, due by the end of July and the end of October and 2) requiring the Company to continue to post current offer prices on a publicly available website.