December 6, 2000 Mr. Joseph Smith d/b/a Joe the Mover 18519 East Valley Highway Kent, WA 98032 Dear Mr. Smith: Thank you for your recent letter explaining why you did not appear at the November 8, 2000, Open Meeting and asking that your request under Docket No. TV-001539 for a rule exemption and permission to use additional trade names be rescheduled. Your letter was received November 21, 2000, thirteen days after the Open Meeting, too late for the docket item to be rescheduled, and too late for the Commission to reconsider its Order. I forwarded your letter to our Records Center so that the file will reflect your concerns about not intending to offend or disrespect the hearing process. At the Open Meeting on November 8, 2000, the Commissioners heard Docket No. TV-001539 and issued an order denying your request. In its Order, the Commission stated that allowing Joseph Smith d/b/a Joe the Mover to use the trade names “Stealth Moving” and “Jay and Joe the Mover” would mislead and confuse consumers about the identity of the carrier offering and providing moving services and would constitute unfair or destructive competitive practices. For future reference, you may want to review the provisions of WAC 480-15-390, “What Name may I use?” , and WAC 480-15-400, “How do I change my permit Name?”. If you have questions, or require additional information, please contact Ms. Bonnie Allen, Transportation Program Coordinator, at 360-664-1226. Sincerely, Carole J. Washburn Executive Secretary