November 10, 1999 Re: Pole Attachment Rulemaking Docket UT-970723 INTERESTED PERSONS: On April 28, 1997, TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc. filed a petition to Adopt Rules, Regulations and Procedures Regarding Attachments to Transmission facilities. On August 27, 1997, the Commission filed with the Code Reviser a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101), Docket No. UT-970723, noticing its intention to explore the need to address through rule making, adoption of a methodology for determination of just and reasonable rates for attachments to transmission facilities. This rule proposal has been delayed pending final action in a similar rulemaking before the FCC in Docket Nos. 97-151 and 97-98. The FCC dockets are still active and pending. On October 11, 1999, AT&T, the successor in interest to TCI, filed a request with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to defer further activity in docket. The Commission grants AT&T’s request. Procedurally, the Commission will close Docket No. UT-970723. Parties may file another petition when they believe that matter may be productively addressed at the state level. Questions regarding this rule making docket may be addressed to Rebecca Beaton, Commission Staff, at 360-664-1287. Sincerely, Carole J. Washburn Secretary LIST OF DOCKET DOCUMENTS