Docket No. TV-971477 May 14, 1998 Page 1 May 14, 1998 NOTICE OF RULE DRAFTING SESSION (May 15, 1998, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) RE: Household Goods Rulemaking Docket No. TV-971477 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Enclosed are the agenda and ground rules for the household goods rules drafting session. The meeting will be held on May 15, 1998, in the Commission’s Hearing Room, Second Floor, Chandler Plaza Building, 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W., Olympia, Washington, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The drafting session will be held with representatives of certificated movers, non-certificated movers, consumers, and the Commission Staff. The meeting will be facilitated by Marjorie Schaer, an experienced facilitator who is a review judge with the Commission. The Commission has determined that an additional drafting session will be needed to address the issues surrounding a definition of household goods. The issue of containerized or self-loading drop boxes has made this issue larger than can be accommodated in this session. We welcome comments and will schedule this issue for drafting at a later date. Participants in the drafting session are asked to review the topics listed on the agenda in section IV. An annotated agenda will be prepared for the meeting that lists these topics by page and line number on the draft. If you wish to discuss any additional topics, please identify them by page and line and either advise the Commission Staff in advance, or bring a list of sections and your suggested rule language to the rule drafting session. We will identify these under item II. on the draft agenda, when creating our final agenda. A summary of written comments received after the second discussion draft of the rule was distributed will also be provided at the rule drafting session. The rules discussion draft is included for the representatives who will attend the drafting session. It is also posted to the Commission’s web site on the Internet at The existing laws (Statutes) and rules (WACs) can also be found on the Internet and at most public libraries, including the Commission’s headquarters library. To research the transportation laws go to: To research the rules go to: and search in Chapter 480-12 WAC. If non-participants wish, you may call our conference bridge to listen to the drafting session via the Commission’s teleconference bridge line. The port lines are limited to twelve callers, and will be reserved for the first twelve people requesting the service. The bridge line will only be activated if reservations are made in advance. To make a reservation, please call Carolyn Caruso at (360)664-1244; she will provide you with the number to call. If you need additional information, feel free to contact Kim Dobyns at (360) 664-1242. Send mail to the address given above. Send E-mail messages to Thank you for your involvement in this important process. Sincerely, PAUL CURL Acting Secretary Enclosures