September 22, 1997 Steve McLellan, Secretary Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S.W. P.O. Box 47250 Olympia, Washington 98504-7250 Re: Comments of GTE Northwest; Docket No. A-970591 Dear Mr. McLellan: This letter will serve as the comments of GTE Northwest in this docket. GTE appreciates the Commission’s willingness to entertain constructive comments regarding the potential revision of the Commission’s procedural rules. GTE has already submitted comments on July 31, 1997, in Docket No. A-971104 regarding the impact of Governor Locke’s recent Executive Order, and GTE will not repeat those comments here. GTE does desire to address, however, one provision identified in the Staff Proposal attached to the Notice for this Docket. This is WAC 480-09-520. As Staff correctly notes, GTE -- and other members of the telecommunications industry --urged the Commission to broaden the scope of WAC 480-09-520 in Docket No. A-950243. GTE continues to urge the Commission to expand the scope of that procedure. GTE incorporates into these comments the comments it offered in Docket No. A-950243. Without repeating those observations in detail, WAC 480-09-520 could productively be modified in at least two regards. First, there is nothing in the statute which mandates that these abbreviated procedures be limited to petitions under RCW 80.36.320 and 80.36.330. To the degree that these procedures are helpful, they should be utilized in any of the types of proceedings identified in RCW 80.36.145(2). Second, there is nothing in the statute which restricts the use of these shortened procedures to proceedings which do not involve confidential material. As telecommunications becomes a more competitive business, parties will need to be able to submit material which contains valuable competitive information. Companies must be able to keep such information confidential. Since the procedure under WAC 480-09-520 involves issues which are likely to be non-controversial, there is no good reason to exclude consideration of confidential information. Ten copies of these comments, and an electronic copy, will accompany the original of this document. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Timothy J. O’Connell Attorney Enclosures