May 1, 1997 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Steve McLellan Secretary, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 So. Evergreen Park Dr. S.W. Olympia, Washington 98504 Re: In re Payphone Rulemaking, Docket No. UT-970301 Dear Mr. McLellan: AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc. ("AT&T") provides the following comments in response to the Commission's notice of potential rulemaking in the above-referenced docket. AT&T submits that revisions to the existing rules governing payphones should incorporate the following general standards: •Provide consumers with rights, price disclosure, and information to make informed decisions; •Continue to ensure consumer access to dialtone, emergency calls, and telecommunications relay service for the hearing disabled be available from all pay phones at no charge to the caller; •Ensure that local exchange carriers ("LECs") do not discriminate in favor of their own payphones in the provisioning (and rates) of basic telephone service, i.e., service provisioning and quality should be at parity with that which the incumbent LEC provides itself and the incumbent LECs must offer individual central office coin transmission services to all payphone providers under nondiscriminatory, public tariffed offerings if the LECs provide those services for their own operations. AT&T is continuing to evaluate the existing WAC provisions referenced in the Commission's notice, but AT&T's initial suggestions for amendment to those rules include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: 480-120-137 -- This rule appears to be duplicative of WAC 480-120-138 and thus could be deleted. 480-120-138 -- The definition of "payphone" should be amended to reflect the FCC's most recent definition; -- All exemptions from the rule for LECs should be eliminated, and the rule should be revised to allow all payphone providers to compete on an equal basis; -- Except for public interest payphones, the location provider should be entitled to determine if the payphone on its premise will be one or two way; -- The limitation of a separate access line per payphone should be eliminated, and providers should be allowed to aggregate more than one payphone per access line similar to stations behind a PBX. 480-120-141 -- Competitive neutrality should be fostered, e.g., by modifying rate notification language and deleting reference to any carrier's name. AT&T appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments and will participate in the May 5 (and any future) workshop or other proceedings in this docket. Sincerely yours, DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP Gregory J. Kopta cc: Ron Gayman bcc: Brooks Harlow