DOCKET UT-970068 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) DOCKET UT-970068 Complainant, ) ) vs. ) ORDER LIFTING SUSPENSION, ) ALLOWING TARIFF REVISIONS WHIDBEY TELEPHONE COMPANY ) TO GO INTO EFFECT UPON ) APROVAL OF DOCKET UT-980495 Respondent. ) AND UPON PAYMENT OF REFUNDS ) BASED ON THE DIFFERENCE OF THE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) PAL RATES FILED IN EACH DOCKET On January 15, 1997, Whidbey Telephone Company (Whidbey or the company) filed with the Commission revisions to its Tariff WN U-5 designated as Seventh Revision of Sheet No. 4.1 and Original Sheet Nos. 430 through 444, inclusive. The stated effective dates are April 15, 1997. This filing was suspended by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission on April 9, 1997. The filed tariff took effect on April 15, 1997, with the proposed rates taking effect on a temporary basis subject to refund. Additionally, the effective date of this tariff was extended to August 15, 1998, allowing time for negotiations. On March 30, 1998, Whidbey filed with the Commission a revision to its Tariff WN U-5 designated as First Revision of Sheet No. 430. At this time the company has agreed to conform to the Commission order in the Toledo Telephone Company Case in Docket UT-970066, which requires the payphone access line (PAL) rate to be set at parity with the Company’s business rates. As this filing was suspended by Commission order and cannot be changed without approval of the Commission, Whidbey submitted a new filing, Docket UT-980495 which is a First Revision of Sheet No. 430 cancelling Original Sheet No. 430 in Docket UT-970068. Since the tariff revision filed in UT-980495 is fair, just and reasonable, it is deemed appropriate that the Commission lift the suspension in Docket UT-970068 allowing the tariff revision in Docket UT-980495 to go into effect upon payment of refunds with interest and upon approval of UT-980495, which is on the no action agenda today. The refund amount should be equal to the PAL rate in UT-970068 less the PAL rate in UT-980495 plus interest. O R D E R IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: 1. Lift the suspension in Docket UT-970068 allowing tariff revisions to go into effect upon approval of Docket UT-980495. 2. Refunds to be issued based on the difference in payphone access line rate filed in Docket UT-970068 vs. Docket UT-980495 plus interest on the refund. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this 29th day of April, 1998. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ANNE LEVINSON, Chairwoman RICHARD HEMSTAD, Commissioner WILLIAM R. GILLIS, Commissioner