Agenda Date: August 13, 1997 Item Number: Docket: UT-961295 Rulemaking to amend WAC 480-120-106 relating to Form of Bills. Company Name: Administrative - General Staff: Tony Cooke, Utilities Rate Research Specialist Kathy Folsom, Utilities Rate Research Specialist Bob Wallis, Review Judge Recommendation: Notice the proposed rule for comment. Direct the Secretary to file the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (CR-102) and the proposed rule text with the Code Reviser in Docket UT-961295. Discussion: Process On May 21, 1997, the Commission filed a statement of intent with the Code Reviser's Office to consider a rule amendment under Docket UT-961295. Proposed modifications to the Commission's rules pertaining to form of bills would update Chapter 480-120-106 WAC. The existing rule requires a form of bill for all telecommunication services and its requirements are not appropriate for prepaid calling card services. The purpose of the proposed revisions is to exempt prepaid calling card services from reporting requirements and minimize the regulatory oversight and paperwork associated with the issuance of a waiver of the current form of bills rule. Prepaid calling card service providers will be required to submit a free call detail report to consumers upon request. Two entities provided written comments to the Preproposal Statement of Intent: U S WEST Communications, Inc.,(U S WEST) and the Telecommunications Resellers Association. On June 13, 1997, pursuant to notice, Commission Staff (Staff) conducted a workshop with interested persons to discuss written comments and to reach consensus on the proposed revisions. The workshop participants included representatives from Staff, U S WEST, GTE, and Sprint Communications. At the workshop, Staff distributed the draft rule to the interested persons. The parties agreed that the goal of exempting prepaid calling card services from the form of bills reporting requirement is laudable. Docket UT-961295 August 13, 1997 Page 2 Staff appreciates the participation of the interested persons. Staff is therefore recommending that the Commission notice the proposed rule for comment with the proposed language attached. Attachment