DOCKET UW-961037 Page 1 BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND ) TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, ) ) Complainant, ) DOCKET UW-961037 ) vs. ) ORDER EFFECTING ) WITHDRAWAL OF NORTH BAINBRIDGE WATER CO., INC., ) PROPOSED CONTRACT AND ) DISMISSING COMPLAINT Respondent. ) AND ORDER SUSPENDING ) PROPOSED CONTRACT ) On August 19, 1996, North Bainbridge Water Co., Inc., filed with the Commission under WAC 480-110-066 (6), a proposed contract for distribution extension, service installations, and service connections. It appearing that the filing herein would increase charges and rates for service rendered by the respondent and that the rights and interest of the public might be injuriously affected thereby, the Commission, on November 13, 1996, entered a Complaint and Order Suspending the operation of the proposed order and set the matter for hearing. The Commission is in receipt of a letter whereby respondent requests that the proposed contract filed in this docket be withdrawn. From all indications, it appears to be in the public interest to accommodate the request and to concurrently dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending the operation of the proposed contract. O R D E R THE COMMISSION THEREFORE ORDERS That the proposed contract, filed in this Docket UW-961037, August 19, 1996, shall be and the same is hereby withdrawn, and that the Complaint and Order Suspending the proposed contract in this docket dated November 13, 1996, shall be and the same is hereby dismissed. DATED at Olympia, Washington, and effective this day of September, 1997. WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION STEVE McLELLAN Secretary